Agilent 34970A/Option 001
Internal DMM Assembly
Installation Instructions for 34970-80010 Retrofit Kit
1 Discon n ect th e p ow er cor d .
2 R em ove th e ou t er cover fr om t h e Agilen t 34970A.
To remove the cover from the instrument, follow the procedures shown
in chapter 6 of the 34970A Service Guide.
3 Con n ect th e in ter n al DMM r ibbon cable to th e m ain cir cu it boar d.
Connect the loose end of the grey ribbon cable to connector J202 on the
34970A main circuit board (34970-66511). Press down firmly on the
ribbon cable connector and secure the cable in place with the locking clips.
Snap the Locking Clips over
the top of the connector to
secure the Ribbon Cable
Ribbon Cable
4 In st a ll t h e in ter n a l DMM cir cu it boa r d in to th e ch a ssis.
Position the internal DMM circuit board inside the instrument chassis
by tilting it at an angle as shown below. Be sure to position the circuit
board over the tabs in the chassis as shown. Then, lower the assembly
into the chassis until it is parallel with the 34970A circuit board.
5 Lock t h e in ter n a l DMM cir cu it b oa r d in p la ce.
Slide the internal DMM circuit board to the left (toward the rear of the
instrument) until it locks in place. You will hear a click when it is
properly locked in place.
Make sure that shield is locked
in place behind this tab
9 Mod ify th e La belin g on t h e R ea r P a n el.
If you originally ordered the 34970A without the internal DMM, a solid
black circle should be visible above the rear-panel “Opt. 001” label.
After installing the internal DMM retrofit kit, be sure to draw an “X”
through the black circle using a permanent marker as shown below.
Internal DMM
is NOT installed.
Internal DMM
is installed.
10 R ep la ce th e ou t er cover on t h e Agilen t 34970A.
To replace the cover on the instrument, follow the procedures shown in
chapter 6 of the 34970A Service Guide.
Ca libr a tion In for m a tion
The internal DMM was calibrated before it was shipped from the factory
(a calibration certificate is included). However, after installing the internal
DMM, you will want to make sure that you run the Zero Adjustment
procedure as outlined in chapter 4 in the 34970A Service Guide.
The internal DMM is guaranteed to meet the instrument’s 1-year
accuracy specifications.
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Retrofit Instructions
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